Tuesday, April 12, 2011

You Want A Miracle?

Luke 1:37
For nothing will be impossible with God

We received the word yesterday.
We rejoiced yesterday.

God had once again done the impossible.
In other words, God had done what was very natural to Him, but to us who live here on earth, it was beyond our will and effort.

A good friend of ours, Phyllis, is awaiting the birth of a grand son.
Her daughter-in-law and her husband were caught up in all the emotions about having an addition to their family. During a visit to the doctor she was given some news that shattered the joy of this coming birth.
The baby was missing a vein that is attached to the heart, and one of the valves in the heart had a hole in it.
The doctors weren't sure if the baby would survive till birth.
Even if the baby did survive and was born, there were many complications that would be against him.

There was talk of doing heart surgery the moment the baby was born.
There was talk of doing heart surgery while the baby was still in the womb.
But while all this talk was going on, there were the prayers of people being lifted to heaven for this small baby and his family.
God heard them.
God acted on them.
Yesterday, the mother went for another appointment.
The doctors checked.
The doctors checked again.
"It can't be!"
The baby now has a vein connected to the heart.
"Are you sure?"
Score one for God!
Where there wasn't a vein....
Now there is.

For nothing is impossible with God.
I don't know what the future holds for Jaden (Baby's name), but I know this.
God reached down inside that tiny body and formed a vein and then connected it to that little heart.
Who knows what God has in store for Jaden?
I would ask that you keep praying for Jaden and the entire family, that God would bring to full health and delivery this tiny miracle.

God on you...

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