Saturday, April 2, 2011

Saturday Video

If you have been around the Greene Street Letters for any time, you'll discover that every Saturday is video day. I try to find songs and teachings that have spoken to me and refreshed me. This weeks video is an offering from Chuck Girard, former lead singer of LOVE SONG. Love Song was one of the premiere groups that came out of the Jesus People movement back in the 60's. LAY YOUR BURDENS DOWN. What is it that is found in the hearts of men and women that refuse to release burdens and lay them down? Pride? Not wanting to admit we are all in need of help? What ever it is , it is the very thing that cripple and hinders us from moving on in Christ. Matthew 11:28 Jesus commands (let me rephrase that....Jesus encourages) us to "Come to Him...all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Rest..... The state of living without struggle. Without effort. Without strain. To be at peace. To be still. To be safe. Why would we reject such an invitation? Today, Saturday April 2nd.....................whatever time it is you read this posting......lay your burdens down and experience the grace of God. God on you..... mb

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