Sunday, October 11, 2020



You just never know.....

After our service last night, Wayne Wimpee, Todd Bagley and I were talking about the current situations when it comes to live meetings. People aren't coming to meetings like they use to before the pandemic hit. 

Then we broached the subject of "live streaming".  Was it a good thing? Was it a bad thing? Did live streaming a service make it easy for some to stay away and enjoy the comfort of their own home? Bottom line of our conversation was..."If one person is helped or reached because of a live stream, then it was worth it. Little did I know how true that statement would be by the time I arrived home.

When I got home, Vicki asked me..."Do you know who was watching tonight's service and from where?" I replied that I had no idea. Turns out a lady from New Zealand was watching. She had a special prayer request for us to pray over.

First off, her name is Sylvia.... Her request centered around her daughter, Caroline......and her grandson, Maui. Sylvia's desire is for both of them to grow and mature in their relationship with Jesus. What she wrote to me in the message that was sent, was more than a casual "pray for my family". It was heart-felt and had passion for her family. I immediately returned her message with a reply that our core family at ReCovery Church would be praying for her and her family.

New Zealand....who would have ever thought that a message that was preached in Gadsden, Alabama would have an impact on a family in New Zealand. This God is something else, isn't He?

Please join with us by adding your prayers for Sylvia and family. Never downplay what you do for God. There are no small things...or small offerings...or small sacrifices when you are obedient.

God on you....


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