Tuesday, July 13, 2021



Proverbs 3:5-6 - Trust IN the Lord with all your heart; Do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.

TRUST =  A refuge (according to Strong's Concordance). When I think of refuge, I think of a place to escape to and find safety. Trusting in God is such a place. I am not buffeted by the winds of the world or age. I am not tossed about by doubt and fear. I find that stable place in Him. That foundation on which I can lay my hope and trust that He is who He claims He is, and that He will do what He has promised He would do. Trust.

Seems to me that trust and faith may be first cousins. They both are looking beyond whatever situation we may be facing. Believe you me there are a lot of folk's out there who are faced with some very painful circumstances, and they do so without any answers to help them. I don't need answers, I need God....He has the answers. I don't need solutions to my situation, I need God....He knows the future and if I let Him (by the way that simply means I get out of my own way to embrace His way) He will guide me...point me in the right decision and choice I need to make.

The one thing I love about this verse is the part that tells us to not depend (or lean upon) our own understanding. Now this doesn't mean we check our brains at the door when we enter into relationship with God, but it does mean that He truly does have a better perspective on what I am facing than I do. Sometimes my emotions, my flesh (sin-nature) taint my perspective and instead of following God, I wind up following "ME" using His name to validate my bad choice. Lesson that I have had to learn on numerous occasions.

Let this verse get into your heart today and let it become truth that brings life rather than some words on a page that sound good.
Have a good'un!!

God you you...


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