Monday, October 11, 2021



Luke 24:5
"Why do you look for the living among the dead?"

Parked in Luke 24 this morning, and during my reading this verse just kind of jumped up at me.
Jesus is dead and has been buried in the tomb. The women who had followed him over the past 3 years, including his own mother, have gone to the tomb to prepare his body with spices.
Arriving at the tomb, the women are confronted by two angels who pose this question to them. "Why do you search for the living among the dead?" Funny really isn't a question as much as it is a declaration. "Ladies.......He ain't here! You've come to a place designated for dead folks, but Jesus isn't here."

I think in a lot of ways, at times I am like those women. They came to fulfill a duty. It was a noble thing they were doing. They had spent time and effort, not to mention their own money to come and prepare Jesus' body for burial. Trouble is.............Jesus wasn't cooperating. You see there are times I think I need to do things a certain way or to accomplish a certain purpose (even might think I doing God's will), only to find out Jesus isn't in it. By that, I mean that he has not truly directed me to carry out this task.
Isn't it a great symbol of working in a place of the dead when the living is where its at? I spend way to much time moving to tombs and cemeteries of my own will and strength rather than looking for the "living" way by simply following Jesus. Life is too short to spend it working in dead places. I need to be aware of the difference between doing the "good thing" and following Jesus by doing the "God thing."

Food for thought....
God on you.....

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