Friday, October 29, 2021



One of the more unusual aspects of writing on this blog is the simple fact that you never know who is reading it, or where they are reading it from.. What's more, you do not know what they may have taken away from the daily posting.

#1 - was the reading encouraging, or just good for a laugh?

#2 - do the ones reading  the postings keep coming back to see what is posted next?

#3 - How did they find this blog site?

Now you have to understand who I am (not sure I can ever answer that one) and why I write these postings. Bottom line? God has called me to do this. Oh, it wasn't a verbal voice saying, "Michael! Thou shalt create a blog and it shall go forth around the world." It was more of a subtle thought that would not go away. A thought that said, "Be someone who encourages! Always point to Christ in everything you write."

Another thing is that I never set out to have what I wrote read by others in places I will never see nor visit. Whenever I look at where the Greene Street Letters is being read, I simply say, "Lord, you know better than me. I'll just keep writing and I trust that it will be used for Your Kingdom." 

Over the years, the Greene Street Letters has changed from how it started. 2008-2013 it was a vehicle for those in addiction to find some daily encouragement to not give up, but press on in this journey of living life in a new way. Since leaving Rapha, I don't have as much contact as I once did with groups of people in addiction. I still get calls from those needing help, and I keep running into people who are still struggling to overcome that old life of darkness. But at this present time, I am focused on putting what I believe into action. That is why we host the Breakfast Give-Away at ReCovery Church. It's more than just feeding, it's a chance for us to love on those who stop by. To sit and talk with them, listen to them, and then minister to them through prayer. I have been blessed to be surrounded by a core group of people who are also eager to reach out with the Kingdom Word and the Kingdom Power of Christ to those in need.

I have for some time now, felt that going through this pandemic was going to change things in ways we never thought about. I hear some keeping saying, "Hopefully we'll get back to normal." Well, I don't think that is going to happen. Not trying to be naysayer, or a doom and gloom guy. What I am saying is that if we truly are followers of Christ, then what would He have us do? Attendance in churches is down. Attendance at recovery meetings are down. I can only speak for ReCovery Church in what is going on with us. I believe that God is re-tooling us to move into new areas of ministry. Sounds bodacious doesn't it? Well, the plan of how and when has not been revealed yet, but I encouraged our core people to spend time in prayer asking God to reveal the next part of the journey we are on.

By the way, here are some of the places the Greene Street Letter has been read over the last seven days.  France, Germany, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Indonesia, Sweden, Thailand, Bulgaria, Denmark, Ireland, Norway, and South Africa. 

I don't understand how all this works....but God does, so I think I'll just write and trust Him to send it where it needs to go.

Thanks for letting me ramble...
God on you.....

Michael B.

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