Wednesday, June 8, 2022



O.k......Now I am going to include myself in this one because it is such a sneaky idea that seems to invade every human heart. What is this heinous idea?

The idea that if things are going good in our life (money in bank, cars are not breaking down, no one sick in the family) then we have God's favor resting on us. But let things go South, and we automatically put the blame on our enemy, the devil.

Well, what if we weren't listening and obeying God like we should have, and He put roadblocks, stumbling blocks, and all manner of blocks in our way to keep us from heading in the wrong direction? Does God really move in this manner?

Reading in Scripture, I see where Paul had a desire to go to Macedonia. God had other plans and would not let Paul go. "But Lord, we could do such good work for you there!," I could hear Paul reply. Could Paul have gotten up and headed on off to Macedonia? Probably. But the trip would not have been under the grace and direction of God.

I hear a lot of folks proudly proclaim, "I believe in God." But you don't hear too many shout out, "I believe God!". In other words, no matter what God may say (especially when it goes against the grain of what we want) I will believe Him. I will follow His direction. I will give no place for my flesh. I will not compromise with those dark voices that try to entice me to seek my own way, rather than follow God.

very familiar passage: Proverbs 3:5-6:  Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not depend on your own understanding. Trust in!! Trust in the Lord. First off, Jesus has to be Lord of your life. Your life has to be submitted to Him and His good plans for you. There are two words that can never go together.....NO LORD!" The moment you say "No" is the moment He is no longer Lord. You have pushed Him aside to become Lord of your own life.

Trust in the Lord.........Trust in what He says to you.....Trust in what you read in Scripture.....Trust in His plans for your life. Trust when everything in your life is going great.....and trust when it seems like the wheels are coming off of your life. In the dark times, trust and hold His hand a little tighter.

Thanks for stopping by and reading the Greene Street Letters: Until nex time....God on you!

Michael b.

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