Thursday, June 2, 2022



There seems to be two camps among the faithful.

One is about a pain-free God.

The other is about a pain-filled God.
I think maybe the real truth of the matter is found somewhere in the middle.
That there is a God who leads His children through what we have come to know as "Life".
Life happens.
It's messy.
It's fun.
It's happy and sad (sometimes at the same time).
It's hard and you want to run away.
It's satisfying and you want to live forever.
It's call life.
And in the middle of it is this voice. The voice of the Lord bidding (calling) those who would, come. Simply come to Him.
As Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote......Christ bids us to come and die. Nothing more. For in the dying we find true life. A call to simply follow Him.  Don't forget that in Psalm 23 David wrote that "God lead." Sometimes by still waters where we can find rest. Sometimes through the Valley Of The Shadow Of Death. The main thing to remember is that no matter where life is taking us, if we follow Him, He is there to lead us through whatever we may face.

Upon the shoulders of this one we call CHRIST....resides the Spirit of the Lord. He was chosen and sent here to this world to preach the gospel to the poor. Poor in material possessions and poor in spirit. He was sent and empowered to heal the brokenhearted. Those who had lost hope and wandered aimlessly at the mercy of the master of this world.

Jesus was sent to proclaim with a loud voice and with deeds and signs that let it be known beyond any doubt that God had, in fact, invaded time and space and declared war on the kingdom of darkness.

Jesus came empowered to give sight to the blind..........both those who had lost their actual ability to see and those who were taken into spiritual darkness.

He was sent to set free those who were oppressed. They may be held down by the system of this world, but government, no group, no ruler can ever bind and stop the spirit of God inside of a believer.

Jesus proclaimed that this was the acceptable and favorable year of the Lord.

Thank you Lord for life and I pray that I seek you out at every turn today so that I can follow your direction and live life in the manner you desire me to.
Blessed be your name,
and may you bless everyone who has stopped by Greene Street today.
In Jesus name....

God on you..........

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