Monday, June 27, 2022



Good Monday Morning to you. Hope your weekend went well and that you were able to get some rest. Now, we have a new week, new situations, new circumstances. our need to stay close to God is needed more now than ever before. So let's get ready to move out into the world and be the people God created us to be.

II Corinthians 5:15
And He died for all, so that those who live might live no longer to and for themselves, but to and for Him who died and was raised for their sake.

I find that my own desires seek to usurp attention and devotion that should be reserved for Jesus and Him alone. My wants are like little children who don't get their way. Praise God for His grace. It covers me and helps me to focus on what is truly important.

His Grace is sufficient.
He is all sufficient.
I find all that I need in Him.
I do not have to look to myself or to the world to be my savior.
My Savior was brought forth from death unto life by the power of the Holy Spirit.

I see death and darkness everyday.
I see people choose death and darkness and what's more...walk into it willingly.
I also see the power of God who can snatch away from the fires of hell.
There are no gray areas.
Society and culture creates the gray in an effort to obscure God's truth.
Living in a world that is defined by a truth greater than we can comprehend is more than some people can take.
The very thought that morality and Holiness is as clearly defined as black and white unnerves a lot of people. That means they are without excuse for their failures. Their failure becomes simply a matter of choice.
They seek to create a false reality that exist in shades of gray. Where things aren't defined and are blurred, open to interpretation by anyone.

Those times and days are quickly coming to an end and we all will find out exactly if what we claim to believe in is true or not. That is why I no longer live to myself but for the one who ransomed me from the sin penalty.

Jesus at the center of your life.
Your hope and salvation for this life and the next.

God on you through out this coming week...

Michael b.

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