Friday, August 3, 2018

I Will Take Care Of You

"I Will Take Care Of You"

The heart of every promise God has given to us...
His care...
His Grace...
His mercy...
Will be the driving power behind His plans for us.
Not to control us...
But to simply guide us daily as we move through this thing
we call life.

We like to think of being taken care of as someone
doing everything for us.
Keeping pain away...
Not letting any "want" we have go unnoticed.
But with God...
Taking care of us involves teaching us...
Teaching us how to live life.

I don't know if you've noticed lately or not,
but life is messy...
Life is painful...
Life has disappointments...
And here is the real kicker...
"Life isn't fair!"
Oh we want "fair" don't we.
Fair carries with it the ideal of me getting my way.
Getting what I want...
Sometimes at the expense of others.

The only fairness we'll find is once we cross over
into the presence of Christ.
For some, this fairness will be welcomed.
For those who have chosen to live life outside of
Jesus' will....
Well, not so much.
But there will be fairness for everyone.
I think Jesus said this in Scripture.
"I am returning to give every person their reward"...
He is going to exact judgment and each person
will receive what they have earned because of the 
choices they made.

Today might be a good time to really take a look at our life.
To stop and ponder for a moment, "What kind of reward would I receive?"
DO so with a realistic view.
It's not about how good you've been...
It's not about how religious you've been...
It's simply a question we all must answer.

"What Did I Do With Jesus?"
Did I receive the salvation He offered to me?
Did I truly make Him my Lord and Savior?
Or did I simply pretend that I received His salvation?
Food for thought
here on this Friday morning.

Until tomorrow..
God On You


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