Friday, August 31, 2018

True Test Of Recovery

Matthew 6:12
And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.

Some people look for signs that recovery is at work in another's life.
Of course the obvious is the lack of using...
No more drugs...
No more alcohol...
No more of whatever has control of life.

While that is an important measure, the real proof is found in the heart and spirit of the one who has surrendered will and life over to the care of God.

I saw the work and change of the Holy Spirit in a surrendered persons life last night as I was teaching at Elmo's transitional house. A man shared about his weekend. He had gotten a pass and returned home to be with his family. Friday evening, he received a call and an invitation to attend a Celebrate Recovery meeting. He accepted the invitation.

Arriving at the location for the meeting, while standing around talking with friends, he was told that a certain man would also be in attendance for the meeting. The man who was going to be there was the very person who had rolled on the one who was sharing his story with me. This man was going to show up in a few moments was responsible for the one sharing the story going to prison.

As the story continued, the one telling it said, "For years all I could think about was getting to him and killing him. I was filled with bitterness and unforgiveness, and I did not know that I was the one that was dying because of it." He went on to say that the thoughts of getting even with this "snitch" was all he could think about. 

God intervened in this man's life and he was saved.
He began to process of following this Jesus who had freed him from the prison of his soul and spirit. He had been set free.
Now, here at this Celebrate Recovery meeting, this man had to make a decision to follow on in Christ's footsteps.....or allow this unforgiveness to drag him back into the darkness. He chose to forgive.

The two men found each other. The conversation was difficult and each wanted to not say anything about what had transpired in the past. Eventually, the one who was sharing the story said..."Hey man, I forgive you. If I had not gone to prison I don't know that I would have changed at all, but now I'm free."

That is the evidence of a heart that has changed.
Change the heart...change the mind.
Change the mind...change the behavior.

Only Jesus can do this.
Don't let this bitterness keep you in darkness.
Forgiveness is a choice...
But even more....
Forgiveness is a lifestyle.

God on you..


I know that this video is a bit long, but well worth the listening. David Wilkerson shares on forgiveness.

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