Friday, September 4, 2020


 (Posting For Northside Baptist Church)

Good Morning! Lot of stuff going on in our old world today. By stuff, I mean unrest, strife, hatred, and violence. I remember back in the 60's when the same thing went on as a nation struggled with its identity. Taking the words "All men are created equal" and making them mean more than flowery tokens is a hard task, but somehow I think we grew a bit during that a positive way might I add. have we arrived? No, we haven't.

But there is a darker side to everyone involved in what's taking place today. We are reaping a harvest of having pushed God out of the collective conscious of our country. We have discarded the moral compass God has given to us so that we can chase the dark desires and passions of our hearts. Anything goes when there isn't an acknowledgment of God's Absolute truth. Without His truth, then whatever we truly believe becomes law to us and we act on it.
Without God's truth, we justify our behavior. Looting and burning becomes acceptable because we have been mistreated over years and years of oppression. I can do whatever I want to because I've been wronged. Kind of been parked in some verses from Judges Chapter 2.
"Eventually that entire generation died and was buried. Then another generation grew up that didn't know anything of God or the work He had done for Israel. The people of Israel did evil in God's sight."
Did you catch that? An entire generation came along, and grew up without any knowledge of God. Kind of sounds like what we've got going on in our country, doesn't it?
If ever we needed a time or revival and renewal, it is today! We have had enough religion...We have had way to much denominational bickering......We have made church into a place where we don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, or upset them because they might not come back, and we really need their tithe.
Maybe it's time to call Sin..."Sin"...
Maybe it's time we quit selling a bloodless cross for fear of offending anyone.
Maybe it's time we get on our face and cry out to God in repentance and turn our hearts back to Him.
Maybe it's just time!
God on you...

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