Monday, September 7, 2020



Psalm 51:16-17 (Message Bible)

Going through the motions doesn't please You....a flawless performance is nothing to You. I learned God worship when my pride was shattered. Heart shaped lives ready for love don't for a moment escape God's notice.

I think it must be a part of a child's make up...I use to say it when I was growing up, and I'm pretty much sure that most everyone else has also. "What?" You may ask. Well, using the phrase "Why don't we PLAY LIKE"...and then give a description of the action behind the phrase.

We would PLAY army and fight imaginary battles in countries thousands of miles away. We would PLAY cowboy and Indians, riding our imaginary ponies across vast stretches of desert. The list of "PLAY LIKE" adventures could go on and on.

But we grew up and discarded that phrase. But the action behind the phrase still remains. Maybe we traded "PLAY LIKE" for "PRETEND". Whatever the case, we sometimes erect a false front and carry out a role in front of others that really isn't us. I think maybe this might even extend to our times in church, as well as when we interact with others who are believers.

"You mean that we "PLAY LIKE" being a Christian? I think maybe the answer is yes. We go to church, and we don't really want to admit that we are struggling, or that we might have doubts and fears as to the reality of God. Oh we may not doubt His existence, but we do teeter on the edge of believing His promises were not meant for us. If they were, why do we struggle so? If He really does care for us, then why is our lives a mess. So we PLAY the church game. 

We put our money in the offering plate....

We open our Bibles and follow along in the teaching, even to the point that we underline certain passages, never to return to them again. Never giving them an opportunity to be planted deep in our hearts so they can take root and grow.

We sing "VICTORY IN JESUS" with much gusto and volume, but deep inside we have hoisted the white flag of surrender to life itself. We are broken.

Being broken is actually the starting place where the real healing of God can take place. Quit trying to ACT like a follower of Jesus, and simply BE one. Do you think God is surprised by the dark battle you are fighting? I think not. If He were surprised by anything, it's how we don't turn to Him in complete honesty and simply cry out..."O GOD! I NEED YOU! I CAN'T DO THIS ON MY OWN!".

No more "PLAY LIKE"....Now our attention is to "BE LIKE". To spend time with Him and share with Him everything on our heart. The good, the bad, (dare I say it) even the ugly. We quit listening to the dark, accusing voices that bombard our minds and thoughts, and we turn our attention to God's word. Find some worship music and take time out to sit and listen (really listen) to the words. Let them flow over you....let them soften you....Ask God for His peace.

Finally, we find gratitude. We allow this to become a part of our daily walk. To be grateful for any and everything. Grateful for life, that God has chosen to give us another day. Grateful for His love, His mercy, His compassion, for the sacrifice Jesus made that I might have salvation and be brought into His family.

Bottom line....quit more "PLAY LIKE". Now we need to "LIVE LIKE"

God on you...


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