Sunday, September 27, 2020



So many memories...
So many laugh's we had together....
Like all of us, there were good times...
and there were bad times....

I got word of your death yesterday.
As I listened to the voice who informed me, it was like the 
very words sucked out the air in  my lungs....
This was followed by the pain...
A pain that those who follow this recovery path have felt
way too many times.

The pain of loss...
The pain of grief....
The pain that we have lost one more.
The darkness that surrounds the truth about addiction and recovery is simple.
When one dies...
There are others who are still out there who don't yet know of this HIGHEST POWER we speak of who could restore us to sanity....
Because they don't know Jesus, they walk a fine line or existence that
could end at any moment.

To say that Curtis' humor was dry would be an understatement..
When he told a were usually covered in dust....
As long as I've known Curtis, every time we parted ways, he said the same thing....
"I'm glad you got to see me today!"

Today, my friend, you know the unveiled truth of what we only claim to 
believe in.
I will miss you..
For you, no more struggles....
No more battles....

God on you all this morning
Michael B.

1 comment:

Kim Williams Keys said...

Awesome guy, friend, and comic. Miss your funny messages on Facebook and our phone calls. RIP Curtis. Love you


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