Thursday, August 5, 2021



Ecclesiastes 3:1 - There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven.

Change....not a word that I embrace with much gusto or zeal. My nature is to maintain the status quo. Truth is, the status quo is the place where complacency creeps in, which only breeds apathy if left alone. I think I'm smart enough to understand that if apathy becomes a part of my existence then I will cease to grow and mature in my daily walk. Still, there is that word....change.

I guess the one thing that has kind of blindsided me is the way change comes because of age. Not so much change on the inside as it is change around me.

I remember hearing a teaching in which the following statement was made. "If you are fifty years of age, you are no longer a native of the culture around you, you are an alien as it has moved on from what you knew and were familiar with." I remember thinking "How dare such a statement be made!!" But here a few months shy of twenty years since I was fifty, I see all too well the truth of that statement. Life around me changes as new generations step forward to have their time and season.

Maybe that is why the verses from Ecclesiastes ring true in my heart and ears this morning. We are afforded seasons in which to follow God. As the seasons change so must we. This doesn't mean that we cease to function in our journey with Christ. We are just given a different path to follow than the one we were on. Change comes to all of us. Do you remember the newness of when you first came to Christ? The love you felt...the freedom that seemed to lift you up in joy.....The grace that became evident as you began to learn how to live life on HIS terms. 

Then as you moved through the years, God had different seasons that you endured. Some were what I refer to as "Mountain top" times where God seemed as close as the air you breathed. You thought they would never end...but they did.

He took us into dark valley's where we had to rely on Him. Not knowing what lay ahead only caused us to hold tighter to His hand. There was such safety in that Hand. There was a calm that assured us that He had us no matter what was in front of us. We came out of that dark valley with a view and understanding of God that we could not have gotten anywhere else.

Years began to roll by with alarming frequency and we were powerless to stop them, yet we continued to follow Him. Each year, sometimes each day, brought new situations and circumstances......and yet He was there with us as we entered each new season of our life. There were new calls on what He desired us to participate in, and we did. I pray that we all find the strength and renewed zeal no matter what season we are in. I do not want the troubles and worries of this life to rob me of His joy. In my heart, I can't help believe that God simply casts those who have chased after Him for years aside and deemed them as having no value or use to the Kingdom. 

I don't know what today holds. It could possibly be my last one here. If that be so, then know that I go to Him filled with gratitude for everything He has allowed me to see and participate in over the years. And may this old heart never ever be emptied of love for my Lord and Savior, Jesus.

Thank you for letting me ramble this morning.

I love each of you, even though I don't say it enough.
God on you...


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