Saturday, February 19, 2022

Keith Green

I never met Keith Green, but yet I felt that I knew him on some other level than a physical relationship. His words and songs did more than bring me joy in my relationship with Christ, they uncovered my heart and and held it up against Christ. I realized how woefully short I had fallen from Him. Never was the truth more evident when Keith ministered and sang. "All have fallen short"....

Now this wasn't a place, this awareness of our falling short, that we were intended to live in. We were to realize that without Christ, we could do nothing. Without Christ in our hearts, we were destined to an eternity outside of His will and presence. Not His choice! Mine....If I refused His offer of salvation.

Vicki and I did get to see Keith when he came to Birmingham back in 1982. Over two hours of Keith sitting at his piano teaching and singing. No smoke and laser lights....just a man who spoke some truth in a simple way.

I am grateful for Keith's life this morning. I remember that on the last album Keith released, the final song on side #2 was the hymn "HOLY, HOLY, HOLY." How appropriate that this was the final song, and that Keith had gone to be with his Savior. Now Keith sings this song in the presence of the One who brought Salvation to all who would believe. 

Even after more than 40 years, the life of Keith Greene still resonates in my heart. Not to exalt the man, the songs he wrote, or the lessons he taught.......
But to be grateful to someone who sold out to Jesus.
How could I do any less?

God on you...
michael b.

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Listening to Keith Green this morning as he sings "How Majestic Is Your Name". I had to  ask myself, "Do I truly unerstnd the...