Tuesday, February 1, 2022



Have you looked around lately? Have you noticed that the world has gone kind of crazy? Crazy in that good is labeled as evil and evil is celebrated as being good?

One group's message is that we need to believe like they do. Another group screams that they are a bunch of "loonies" and that we better stay away from them. Dark is light and light is dark. Up is down and down is up. Now throw into this mix someone who is struggling with life because of choices that were made to "try" drugs or alcohol. No one ever sees themselves as becoming an addict, but the years roll on and the high's don't seem as high. What once was an escape has now become a dark path to simply existing. 

Life devolves into a daily exercise of simply trying to hold it all together. To not go flying off into 20 different directions. Incapable of doing this, we look to the drink and the drugs to bring relief. Where is that place that I can stand on and not feel like I'm being torn apart? Where is the place that I can spend my days not  creating more destruction and chaos?

Funny isn't it that as fast as life has us spinning the answer has been there all along. Oh maybe we knew the answer but weren't willing to turn to it. Maybe we thought we had one last once of self determination, and had no need for an outside answer to our problems. Maybe we were just so stubborn that we held the answer at arm's length to keep it from invading our life.

For me, there is only one answer to a life lived in darkness. One answer that has a name..that  name would be Jesus. Jesus is more than my "higher power". He is the HIGHEST power. There is on power greater who can take a wretch (there I said it...I am a wretch without Him) and give me life...real life...abundant life here, and eternal life when my time is up on this side of eternity.

I'm not talking about "religious" Jesus. I'm not speaking of a "denominational" Jesus. I'm talking about the One who paid the price for my sins who has the power and ability to lift me out of my self-made darkness, and place me on a solid footing where I will not be shaken by the events of this world gone mad.

Psalm 31:2-3 - Turn Your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue. Be my rock of refuge. A strong fortress to save me. Since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of Your name lead and guide me.

Kind of weird isn't it? You see there is only one way to look at the Scripture from Psalm. Either it's true or it isn't. If it isn't true, then don't worry about it, Keep on being sucked under by the darkness of this world and the darkness of your heart. But if it is true...if the words truly mean what they say, then maybe I should take a long hard look at Jesus. I've proven that my way isn't working.

Food for thought on a Tuesday.

God on you...

michael b.

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