Monday, February 21, 2022



Really good weekend....Really hard weekend. So this morning as I was diving into my first cup of coffee, this thought came to me. "Are we a church? Or are we a recovery meeting?" Seems as thought when you label one or the other, people automatically assume what you are all about, or how you conduct your services. They (probably without meaning to) label you and pigeon hole what you are all about. So which is it? Is the ReCovery Church a real church? Or is it a recovery meeting?

Back in 1998 when I drove out to Rapha (drug and alcohol treatment center) I had not idea that I would be tied to that place for as long as I was. I went at the request of a friend to help him lead worship. After that first time of being there, I knew that this was where God wanted me. This was the place where I received my "education" so to speak on how to minister and serve those who were in addiction.

Fifteen years later, God leads me back to Gadsden Vineyard to start back up a Saturday night meeting. We had started one back in '99 (which we called HOUSE OF BLUE) and eventually God gave us the go ahead to close it down. So after a number of years at Rapha, we started a Sunday morning service there on the compound, later moving it to Saturday night. We saw God do some pretty incredible things during this particular time, and there was a part of me that thought this would go on for a number o years. 

So we have been holding Saturday night meeting @ Gadsden Vineyard since 2013. (Coming up on our 9th year this coming April). I've seen my role change during this time, but the call hasn't changed one bit. Christ is the Power we've been searching for to move us out of and away from our addiction. But what about others who are struggling with problems that aren't addiction related. Well, there is a name for the whole mess that everyone struggle with. It covers every aspect of human life. Are you ready for this?  SIN. Simple as that. When we are trying to live a life where we are in control, where we call the shots, where we want to independent., we are following the leading's and desire's of our own nature. 

We are all born with this nature (sin nature). A bent to do the wrong thing...a bent to want to be in control of our own life. A bent that refuses to acknowledge God and our need for Him. This goes all the way back to two people in a garden that we read about in Genesis chapter 3. A simple act of disobedience opened a flood gate that has consumed mankind for thousands of years.

Romans 7: -

(V.15) I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do, I do not do, but what I hate, i do.

(V.17) As it is, it is not longer I myself who does it, but it is sin living in me.

V.18)  For I know the good itself does not dwell in me, that is in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out.

(V.24-25) What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue (deliver) me from this body that is subject to death> Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord.

We have somehow equated the word sin to the deeds and actions in our life. When in fact, sin is the state of the heart that holds sway over our actions and choices. If that be case, then everyone who draws breath is in need of God's salvation and freedom from this dark power than has humanity it its grip. Whether the person is sitting in a dark room taking hits from a pipe......shooting heroin....or drinking themselves into a stupor, they are in need of the Power of Christ who can transform them. On the other hand, an individual may be an outstanding member of the community, even go to church, never been to jail and doesn't have a police record of any kind.....yet they've never been saved, then they stand in the same place as one who is addicted. I've often said that the cross of Jesus is a place where we all stand in need of a Savior.

So which are we (ReCovery Church)? I guess we're simply a place where God's word can be taught and hopefully see ourselves as God sees us. Seeing our real need for Him, and us not trying to navigate life on our on. if you'd like to watch some of our services, you can do so by going to our Facebook page...ReCovery Church on Broad Street.

Thanks for checking in today....God on you!

Michael b.

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