Saturday, May 14, 2022



Psalm 107:20 - He sent His Word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction.

Tonight at the ReCovery Church we are going to be taking a look at the  nature and character of what some refer to as "Our Higher Power".  Such is talked about a lot in recovery...this need to give will and life over to a Higher Power, but I find such terms kind of impersonal. Plus I don't think I've heard that many messages about the character and nature of the Power we are all looking for.

We make no bones or excuses when it comes to higher power....ours has a name, and that name is Jesus. The Christ......The Deliverer.....The Messiah. But  no matter what name you attach to Christ, His mission...His love is to bring healing and deliverance from the sin that has used trapped in the repeated behaviors of addiction.  The Power that Christ possesses is greater than any addiction. Greater than any kind or brand of alcohol. How can I say that? Because the Power of Christ will go straight to the human heart to enact change and bring healing. That which we desired in the past to escape reality will no longer hold sway over us. We have found a better way to live by following Christ daily.

V.9 of Psalm 107 reads "For He satisfies the longing soul, and fill the hungry soul with goodness." He satisfies the longing soul---that means that He will help you overcome any cravings (or longings) you have to return to your old ways.  He fills the hungry soul with goodness---We have fed and gorged our self from the enemies table that we have forgotten what goodness and mercy, love and compassion taste like. We have filled ourselves with the emptiness of addiction, which only leaves us empty, starving and longing to be filled again. So we go back for a second helping of misery and pain, throwing on some destruction for dessert. God opens our hearts and understanding to the simple fact that we have been dining on garbage. We have been dumpster diving for the dregs of death, thinking that we are eating from a 5-star restaurant. Thank you Jesus that you have the Power to take us from this illusion, and place us in a seat at your table.

Ask yourself....Where are you eating from today. The table that Christ has prepared? Or the garbage can of our enemy the devil?

God on you....

Michael b.

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