Tuesday, May 24, 2022



Proverbs 3:5-6   (Message Bible)

Trust God from the bottom of your heart. Don't try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go.He is the one who will keep you on track.

Seems like this has been the week for bad news (and it's just Tuesday). Many phone calls from people who are hurting physically. People who are hurting emotionally, and people who are hurting spiritually. There has been people in situations that are leading them toward their final days on this earth. Lot of "Why?" questions. I have no answer as to the why? The only answer I have is found in "Who!" Jesus.

We like a God who is buddy-buddy. We love a God who slaps us on the back and gives us a big old "Atta Boy!". But when life crumbles around us (notice I said when, not if) and we don't feel like God is doing some of His best work in our lives, we have a human tendency to not look at God in a favorable way. 

That is why this verse from Proverbs has meant so much to me. The very fact that i am called to TRUST God when everything is wonderful in my life....and that same trust is called on when the wheels are coming off everything around me and in me. 

If I am not mistaken the KJV says we are too trust God with ALL our heart. In other words there is no room in my heart for anything else that would interfere with my trusting Him.  When doubt rears its ugly head, I need to cut the doubt off so that it doesn't corrupt my trust. When fear, anger or any other emotion that runs contrary to God's will comes at me, I need to stop them before they consume me and drain my trust away. 

I wished no one had to go through hard times. I wish no one had to die in a hospital surrounded by family. I wish no one had to wonder where they were going to sleep tonight, or where their next meal was going to come from. I wish life was fair. Breaking news..........life ain't fair. But I know someone who is, and that would be Jesus. 

Life happens...we face trials and troubles.
We find ourselves in difficult situations and circumstances. But it is a lot harder and messier when you trying to live it in your own strength and ability. Such is why I need Jesus. Along with Him, I need a group of people who need Him also, and are willing to follow and apply what they are taught. I want to be a part of a family like that. A family that encourages each other to keep on moving forward. A family that brings me into their group not so I can be a taker........but so I can learn how to give back. Learn how to read His book and understand what I am reading. To not only pray, but learn how to "hear" His voice as God speaks to me. I need God's salvation to lift me from the old life of death, into a new way of living that affords me eternal life with Him. Not a bad deal.

God on you...


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