Monday, May 23, 2022



I have good friends who would disdain the picture above. They feel that such a picture is out of touch with our society today. The picture reflects an antiquated view of the Word of God and portrays it in such a way that people cannot relate to it. The Sword would be offensive because of its connection to war. Yet we, who have been called into relationship with Jesus, fight a daily battle with the government of the devil.

In some ways, I would agree with the idea that the picture above looks outdated.
But when it comes to God, I would disagree with these people who hold fast to this idea that God and his word needs to be made relevant.
To me what they are truly saying is that the Holy Spirit has lost the power and ability to touch people and open them up to the truth of God. That somehow the Holy Spirit has become a non-factor in our world today.

My friends would relate the way church conducts their services and business is outdated and not relevant to a person who does not attend. In some ways, I agree. The church has become like a Chaplin on a cruise ship. He just kind of gets in the way and no one wants anything to do with him. But....if the boat starts to sink, then the Chaplin becomes the person everyone wants to talk to, or be with.

I have mixed emotions on the whole "make church relevant" idea. I think the heart of the matter is that we should seek out God's direction and then follow Him. I do know that the Word of God is not up for debate. What do we have to offer someone who is being drawn to Jesus except the WORD. Pointing them to the Book of John to begin reading is a good start.

I don't think we, as creation, can make an eternal truth relevant. It just is. Truth never changes. maybe we're trying to sell an eternal truth to people whose minds and hearts have not been opened by the Holy Spirit.

I see a lot of enthusiasm for worship.
We hold worship conferences and invite high profile people to lead them.
I see a lot of enthusiasm for signs and wonders.
We hold Signs and Wonder conferences and invite the most prophetic and charismatic personalities in Christendom to lead them.
You just don't see a lot of Word of God conferences where the best teachers are invited to feed us and train us through the Word of God.
We are living on fluff and candy. Fun to eat but not much nutritional value there.
God help me....


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