This morning at Northside Baptist Church, we are going through our usual Sunday morning protocol. Introduction and welcome. First hymn....Amazing Grace.
Whoa! What was that?
I sat there looking at each verse like I had never seen before.
Five verses....
The song itself is a complete picture of the life of a follower of Jesus. From the initial point of salvation, to the end of life and being ushered into the presence of God where we will sing for 10,000 years and beyond.
So I knew right then, that the sermon I have prepared was put aside.. Maybe since today was Pentecost, this was the message the Holy Spirit wanted shared.
Anyway you look at it, the message was totally off-the-cuff, but solely in the Spirit.
When I had finished, one of those present came up to me and said, "You know, I've sang that song all my life. But after this teaching this morning, I'll never look at the same way again...thank you for that message."
God is good...
I've posted the video of this morning below...
Sunday, May 31, 2020
Each week, we come to meet @ VRC wondering what God will do.
What will He say?
Will there be a display of power in our midst?
Will someone have an encounter with God?
How will we be changed?
Last night was no different, as we began a journey in a new direction by starting with what our priorities are in following Jesus in this new life.
So as you watch and listen to the service, ask God to meet with you, right where you are. Ask Him to speak to your heart.
Thank for stopping by today....
God on you....
What will He say?
Will there be a display of power in our midst?
Will someone have an encounter with God?
How will we be changed?
Last night was no different, as we began a journey in a new direction by starting with what our priorities are in following Jesus in this new life.
So as you watch and listen to the service, ask God to meet with you, right where you are. Ask Him to speak to your heart.
Thank for stopping by today....
God on you....
Friday, May 29, 2020
Time to return.....
Even though VRC has been open the last two weeks, it is good to see the "Recovery" part of the Body of Christ coming back together.
So, if you plan on attending a meeting, do me a favor.
Don't just "attend" a meeting.
Go expressly with the purpose to receive something from God at that meeting.
Whether it is a word you need to hear....
Or a Worship song that touched you...
Or maybe a word of encouragement from someone at the meeting that will spur you to keep going and not give up...
God on you....
Thursday, May 28, 2020
I sat across the table from him last Tuesday morning. It has been our habit for more years than I care to count, of meeting to catch up and see where we are spiritually, mentally, and yes......even at this age, physically. Sometimes the physical part takes up a lot of our conversation. I digress.
But this past Tuesday was different. I just didn't see a man across the table. I saw a friend, and a relationship that stretches back over 52 years. I saw two 17 year old boys sitting in Hazel Hicks homeroom, senior year in high school.
I saw us getting together at his house one Sunday afternoon to see what common things might bring us together. Of course the obvious was music. Although our tastes parted ways at certain points, we did have a love for the music of Simon and Garfunkel.
Here is the strange part about our relationship.
We are so different.
He is everything smooth, with a splash of culture.
I am sawdust and dirt roads.
He is artistic and can see colors and shapes that meld together into beautiful pictures and works.
Me? I couldn't draw a straight line if you gave me a pencil and ruler to use.
In fact, in high school we were often referred to as "The Odd Couple" taking a nod from the t.v. show.....Oscar the slob and Felix the meticulous one. I'll give you 3 guesses to which one I was........first two don't count.
After we met on Tuesday, I went home and drug out my Simon and Garfunkel cd's. The first one Jim ever introduced me to was "BOOKENDS", so I drug it out.
I remember in the early days, the song "Old Friends" kind of became one that we both gave a nod to when it came to our relationship.
"Old friends....Old friends....sat on their park bench like bookends."
As the years passed, we often referred to this song with fondness, that somehow our friendship would weather whatever came our way.
But Tuesday, the song took on a different meaning with a line that hit home the reality of time and life.
"Can you imagine us years from today.......sharing a park bench quietly. How terribly strange to be 70."
We are currently at this point in our friendship.
I am 17 months away from 70, and we are still friends. I don't know if there is a word that could ever mean more than friends, but I would love to create one.
God has tied us together ever since that first day in home room, senior year of High School.
For 52 years Bynum has always followed Bentley, just as the seating arrangement was that day. In most ways, God has had me following Jim for all these years. Jim has been an encouragement to me, a mentor in a lot of ways. He introduced me to the teachings of Wimber. He gave me a place where God told me to start a home group. He ordained me at the proper time, releasing me to be who God had created me to be.
I don't know what the future holds....
Or even how much of a future we have...
But I know this...
Jim Bentley is,and forever will be my friend.
God on you....
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
This video may help you understand where Vineyard ReCovery is headed. We have been blessed in our town to have so many wonderful recovery meetings. Places where people can connect and find their way.
But we feel as though God is leading us to be the next part of the journey to new life.
Not just about following the Twelve Steps, but utilizing the things that God grants to those who are saved (turned will and life over to His care).
God on you...
But we feel as though God is leading us to be the next part of the journey to new life.
Not just about following the Twelve Steps, but utilizing the things that God grants to those who are saved (turned will and life over to His care).
God on you...
What'll it be? Needles or swords? Inject or infect?
Weapons of darkness
Sword of light?
Hey think about it?
The choice you make of which one to use as your weapon to fight with, is found in your heart.
The choice you make of which one to use as your weapon to fight with, is found in your heart.
What do you really want and desire?
Freedom and real life
Freedom and real life
a false reality brought on by the injection of a mood altering / mind altering chemical?
I choose the Sword.
I have seen the destruction brought on by the needle!
I have seen the destruction brought on by the needle!
Hey, but Swords are so old fashion....
Even if someone comes out with an updated version of the Sword,
it still operates the same way.
A person has to lay hold of it.
Feel the weight and learn the balance.
But isn't that the heart and truth of God?
We have to lay hold of His word, His sword to use it.
We have to lay hold of His word, His sword to use it.
It's not enough that we possess the Sword (word) of God....
It's not enough to simply go about our day with the Sword of God shoved way down in
our scabbard.
Swords were meant to be used.
The Word of God....
our lives will be changed.
For the worst, by the needle
and for His glory by the Sword.
Chose the Sword and discard the needle.
Chose the Sword and discard the needle.
In the book of Deuteronomy - Chapter 32
we read a very unusual verse.
Now before you read this, I want you to know that I have
taken this verse and placed it within the context of a battle taking place
between those who choose to live in addiction...
And those who have chose to follow Jesus.
And those who have chose to follow Jesus.
Speaking on those who are still suffering in their addiction, we pick up in Verse 28
For they are a nation lacking in counsel, and there is no understanding in them.
(Sound familiar? A life on drugs / alcohol )
Would that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would
discern their future!
( not much wisdom when your ability to think is impaired)
(Future? What future? When your strung out, the only future you can'
(Future? What future? When your strung out, the only future you can'
think about is the next high)
How could one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight,
Unless their ROCK had sold them.
(why would those strung out run from one or two others?)
(Because what they had placed their hope and trust in.....
(Because what they had placed their hope and trust in.....
their ROCK (Crack Cocaine) had sold them out and led them to situations and places
where they would die)
Indeed their rock is not like our rock....
(As a follower of Jesus, He is my ROCK!)
(My ROCK is not like their rock (cocaine)
(My ROCK is not like their rock (cocaine)
My Jesus Rock is THE ROCK of ages....
I run to the shelter of the most high God
and dwell in the shadow of the Almighty.
So what'll it be?
Needles that destroy by making you promises that it can never deliver....
Needles that destroy by making you promises that it can never deliver....
or The Sword of God....His Holy Word......The Bible!
I would not write this if it didn't profit me....
The Bible is a practical book for practical living...
here ....
21st century...
I kid you not...
Turn your life over to the care of God....
What an incredible start...
No more needles with which to stab myself with....
Only the Word of God that works deeper than any needle could go...
What an incredible start...
No more needles with which to stab myself with....
Only the Word of God that works deeper than any needle could go...
Producing lasting life
God on you.....
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
O.k.....This is not going to be a rant against drinking. It's not going to be a shaming of those who can, and do drink socially. But there does need to be a dialog about the responsibility of all parties in this great big old world we have to live on. Responsibility for our actions that do impact those around us, and even those we may not be aware of.
Being a person who moves in the recovery circle, I confess to you that I see nor find a reason to drink. O.k. there I said it.
At the same time, I know people who do drink, not to excess but for what ever reason, find that "adult" beverages are a part of their social scene. Go for it.
But we, if we truly call ourselves followers of Jesus, have a responsibility to put others needs ahead of our own.
Romans 14:12-13
Yes, each of us will give a personal account to God. So let's stop condemning each other. Decide instead to live in such a way that you will not cause another believer to stumble and fail.
Romans 15:1
We who are strong must be considerate of those who are sensitive about things like this. We must not just please ourselves. We should help others do what is right and build them up in the Lord.
I have been given an incredible gift of freedom and liberty in Christ. But that does not give me the green flag to pander to my wants at the expense of causing someone else to fall. I know this may be a sensitive point to make, and some may even take offense at what I have shared, but I think we all teeter on the edge when our personal preferences take the point above the well fare of others.
I've often asked people who have sat in on some of my teaching, "What would you think if you saw me coming out of a bar? Or if you saw me coming out of a quick shop with a case of beer under my arm? Without fail, each group told me how disappointed they would be. But beyond that, they would never listen to anything I ever taught again because what I had done was hypocritical. I do not want to destroy my testimony because I felt I had a right to act in a certain manner.
Even as some of you may be reading this, your mind may automatically go to the passage from Ephesians 5:17-18
Don't act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do. Don't be DRUNK with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead be filled with the Holy Spirit.
We love this scripture don't we?
"See there it states plain as day..."DON'T BE DRUNK WITH WINE!"
Did you not read the rest of the verse.
It clearly tells us what not to do...
But then turns around and tells us what we are to do.
Seems as though we love that first part. It becomes the weapon we throw at everyone we disagree with. But clearly we all have been called to be filled.\
Up to the brim....
More than we can hold....
With God's Holy Spirit.
Food for thought...
Thanks for letting me share....
God on you...\
Monday, May 25, 2020
IT IS A JUDE 23 MOVEMENT: "Snatching Others From The Fire"
To everyone who has been called to serve those who are in addiction, bless you this morning.
To everyone who has come out of that darkness and is reaching out to friends, family in an effort to share what God has freely shared with you....bless you this morning.
I remember that my whole world changed back in August 1998. Prior to that month, I really had no care or concern for anyone in addiction. I pretty much operated with the mindset that if someone was crazy enough to get caught up in that mess, then they got what they deserved. That was really "Christian" of me wasn't it? How cold and heartless such a view was.
On the other hand, I didn't want to know anything about addiction. I would leave such to the professionals. Like I said, that all changed in August of 1998 with an invitation by a friend to go to a place called RAPHA, to help lead worship.
As the worship service wound down, I made a promise to myself that I would never come back to a place like this. God had different plans for me.
I came back. Then I came back some more. Days rolled into weeks, and weeks rolled into years and I kept coming back. What's more, my heart began to change. I lost interest in "churchanity" and replaced it with a very narrow, single focused view of who Jesus is and what His desire was for me.
I found out that the only thing that mattered when it came to addiction was the work of the cross....the justification of us sinners....the sanctification to be set apart.....the regeneration of a new life in Christ....and the glorification of His holiness in my tattered life. In other words, the entire scope of my understanding when it comes to addiction was found in I Corinthians 2:2 where Paul wrote, "For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified."
All of this journey has led to our meeting on Saturday night.
If you didn't know anything about us, and you walked into our meeting, I'm not sure that you would notice the difference between it and what takes place at most churches on Sunday morning. You may ask, "Well, what is the difference?"
The difference is life and death.
Those who come on Saturday night know all too well that if they don't own, guard and grow in this new life with Christ, they will return to old ways and die.
Some who come through the door are dying already.
They know it...
They may not fully understand who this Jesus is, but they are looking for something to stop the pain and bring them hope.
Oh, we're not all doom and gloom...
Last Saturday night Debbie Handy led worship, and one of the songs she sang was "I CAN ONLY IMAGINE". It was something to behold to be a part of the worship team and look out into that room and see a group of formerly dead men and women singing praises to God. Oh it was the best choir sound you've ever heard, but it was the sweetest. Because these folks had been brought up from the grave and filled with life.
That is why we do what we do on Saturday night.
That is what real recovery is all about.
So here's to everyone who heads up a recovery meeting....
Here's to everyone who works tirelessly to pull these meetings off...
God on all of you....
Thanks for letting me be a part of the greatest fellowship on the face of this here earth.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Last night may have been one of those pivotal moments in the life of a church, where God is turning the direction you were originally headed in.
49 days of lock down from the covid-19 virus.
49 days of self reflection as to the spiritual state of myself, as a follower of Jesus, and of our church.
Taking a text from Luke 5, it is now all about launching out to the deep water for a catch.
Making sure the nets are repaired and cleaned.
Making sure that we are not operating under our own ability and strength.
Take a listen to the meeting from last night.
Debbie Handy was our worship leader.
God on you...
Friday, May 22, 2020
I did not expect the emotion I felt last night as I attended the graduation of my grand son, Tyler Bynum. It began as the graduates entered the stadium to the usual graduation rendition of "Pomp and Circumstance". I watched Tyler move across the field with his classmates, and I promise you for a moment I saw my Dad in the way Tyler walked.
His dad, Chad, my first born, had become the principal at Lincoln High School, and now was a few moments away from handing his first born his high school diploma. I was made painfully aware of how short time is, and as the old adage goes, "It waits for no man".
There was an entire list of people who I wished could have been there last night. I'm not so sure that they weren't watching in. My mom and dad, Vicki's mom and dad. Her grandmother and grandfather, not to mention Peggy, her sister.
Tyler finished 5th in his graduating class.
Not bad since I was a "middle of the pack" student.
As such with Tyler's placement, he was one of five students who gave a "Golden Apple" speech where they recognize the teacher that had the greatest impact on them during their school years. To my surprise (and I don't know why it surprised me) Tyler's speech was to his mother, Robin. Tears...many tears listening to this young man share of the impact his mother had on him.
The entire time, Chad sat beaming like the proud father he is.
(In the photo above, Chad is on the left).
Sitting there in that stadium last night, I was reminded of the faithfulness of God and His word. I thought back to Tyler's birth and the DK111 passage that we saw when Vicki and I parked at the hospital to go and see our first born's first born. I had my Bible with me and I turned to page 111 and there it was in black and white. Exodus 13:1-2 Then the Lord spoke to Moses saying,"Consecrate to Me all the first born, whatever opens the womb among the children of Israel, both man and beast; it is Mine.
I remember taking Tyler in my arms and praying a prayer of consecration over him, giving him to the Lord to be raised in teaching and ways of God. Last night, I saw the next step in the life of this young man, Tyler Bynum. For me, I am closer to the end now more than I've ever been, but Tyler is just starting his journey. I'm sure that there will be pitfalls along the way, along with hurt, grief and sorrow. But there will also be great joy knowing that no matter what comes his way, God has him in the palm of His hand. What more could a grand father ask for? Nothing more.
Robin and Chad.........
You have done well in the raising of your son.
Ashley, my little darling.....
I will see you in 2023 when it becomes your time.
Go forth in the name of God and let Him lead you to the place He has for you. love....
We did pretty good for a couple of old high school graduates.
God is good.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Joshua 1:6
....Only be strong and of good courage.
Joshua 1:7
.....Only be strong and very courageous.
Joshua 1:9
.....Only be strong and of good courage.
Joshua 1:18
.....Only be strong and of good courage.
Moses had led Israel out of Egypt, and has been headed toward the Promised Land.
Forty years and an entire generation has passed.
Now, led by Joshua, the nation stands at the banks of the Jordan river. Directly ahead of them lays this land God has promised to give them.
For Forty years all they have heard is "The promise land....the promise land....we're going to the promise land." But now, here it is.
God has told them to go in and occupy it. Take it as their own. Drive out the pagan culture that has put its roots down deep into the soil of that area. There will be battles to be fought. But (And here is the kicker) God has promised He would go with them and aid them in their effort to take the land.
It's no wonder There was fear among the people about crossing over.
This was not a well-oiled military machine like the Assyrians.
This was a nation of former slaves who fought when they needed to.
But this nation of ex-slaves had one thing going for them....
God had delivered them, and He would be faithful to the word He had given them that they would possess this land. So 4 times in the first Chapter of Joshua, the people were told to "Be strong and courageous."
So what does all this have to do with today?
Well, we've heard for years the word "Recovery".
"You can have a new life!"
"You can face the future and turn the page on your addiction!"
But when it comes to crossing over into this new life....well, that's another story.
We stand on the banks of our future staring across at the unknown.
We want to cut and run back to our old life.
It may be a painful past but it was ours, and we knew how to play the game, didn't we?
Now God has not promised us a "Promised Land"....
But He has said that we could have a "Promised life".
Just like those we read about in Joshua, we have to cross over into it...
Own it....
Occupy it....
Possess it....
Fight for it....
And all the while, if we do so, God has promised us that He would be there to strengthen us, guide us, and equip us for this new life.
Maybe we need to take heed of the verses from Joshua.
That the courage I need to lay hold of, comes when I recognize my own weakness. As Paul the apostle stated, "His Power is made perfect in my weakness."
Maybe it really is the day to cross over into the new life God has promised.
What do you say?
God on you.....
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Vineyard ReCovery Church.....Why? Why do you exist? What is your purpose in this world? Surely there are larger, more effective meetings than yours? Such would be true. So why do you exist?
God says that we can. That we are a part of a larger call to the entire recovery community.
What I am about to write applies to every recovery meeting.
What I am about to write applies to every church.
And what I am about to write applies to every person who claims to be a follower of Jesus.
We,as a fellowship, stand between the tension of the old, dark life....the dark ways...and the promise of new life found in Christ. In other words, we want to be a vehicle that brings people to the entry point of new life. To introduce them to Jesus. But we don't want to stop there. We want to aid them in becoming a real disciple and follower of Jesus.
In the Matthew 28 Great Commission, Jesus did not call us to only make converts........He commissioned us to make disciples. Totally different level of commitment on the part of the one who comes to Jesus to be saved.
Salvation is not the end result.
Salvation is the beginning of the journey.
Jesus gave us three compasses to use to aid us in moving forward from the old life.
He stated plainly, "I AM THE WAY"...He shows us the spiritual direction we are to follow. This also includes our very body and being. Where the heart is directed to, the body will follow. Jesus is the direction or focus of my intentions, my motives. Any deviation from this pulls me away from the influence of God's Holy Spirit (My guide).
Jesus goes on to say, "I AM THE TRUTH". I have searched for truth in all the wrong places. Including the false notion that truth is something I can create. Ain't going to happen because any truth I come up with is always going to be tainted by my sin/nature. Notice that Jesus did say that He was A truth, or one of many truths. Nope...He said I am THE truth.
Lastly, Jesus said,"I AM THE LIFE". The true source of real life. The living water, given freely to those who thirst. The bread of life to those who hunger. Jesus is the basic foundation on which I can stand and face whatever comes my way.
I think I've written enough for this morning....
See You Saturday night @ Vineyard ReCovery Church.
God on you...
Monday, May 18, 2020
Todd Bagley leads the "4'o clock" service @ Gadsden Vineyard Church.
Todd is a lover of the word. Not content to simply read or skim over it, Todd goes deep to find application to our everyday walk and journey with Christ.
Take a view of last Sunday's service.
You can find Todd and the service at GADSDEN VINEYARD 4'o clock" service on Facebook.
Todd is a lover of the word. Not content to simply read or skim over it, Todd goes deep to find application to our everyday walk and journey with Christ.
Take a view of last Sunday's service.
You can find Todd and the service at GADSDEN VINEYARD 4'o clock" service on Facebook.
So why this blog? I already have three Facebook pages.
#1 - My personal page
#2 - Vineyard ReCovery page
#3 - Northside Baptist page.
Well, this is going to be a central place where all three can meet.
I can post video's of our different services, as well as others such as Todd Bagley's "Gadsden Vineyard 4'o clock" meeting.
And along the way, I can post the overflow of my thoughts and views of how I look at life.
Now such a thing as "My View" is exactly view. Things I see and understand based on my world view. In today's society and our culture here in America, a person's view has become the gold standard by which to measure everybody else. In this case, when it comes to me, I do not want to exalt my understanding. But I do want to present "Kingdom Understanding". Such is what influences me and the way I see the world. As I have stated on several occasions, as a follower of Christ, I have been called to live on the economy of heaven.
Do you remember the old WWJD bracelets that were so popular years ago? What Would Jesus Do?" Well, lets bring that forward and have WWJS...What Would Jesus Say. How about a bracelet that says WWJHMED. What Would Jesus Have Me Do? Because the bottom line is this. His is the only opinion that matters. His is the only voice that I need listen to.
Think on these things....
God on you...
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Change Of Directions
"Hey there! Hi There! Ho There! You're as welcome as can be."
If you around my age (68+) then you know who said those words.
For the past 41 months, I have been serving as Pastor @ Northside Baptist Church. This morning was our first morning to all be together since the dreaded "rona" hit. It was a real joy to see everyone and catch up on what everyone hasn't been doing.
Due to the long stretch of us not meeting together, we had some business to take care of concerning damage to the church by the tornado that came through on Easter weekend. As the business was being discussed, I sensed (or felt, or whatever you may want to call it) that God did not want me to teach the portion of scripture that I had studied and prepared for.
Instead, He led me to two portions of scripture within the lesson: Ps. 51:15-17 and Matthew 5:14-16. So the lesson you will hear in the video below is totally off the cuff as I tried to follow where the Spirit was leading.
God on you...
Opening Back UP!!!
Well, we reopened our service last night at Vineyard ReCovery Church. Good to have folks back in the room. We had more than I expected, which was a surprise.
Many thanks to those of our core leadership who came out.
And to the worship band....Debbie Handy, Barry Hooks, and Wayne Wimpee. Faithful as always to become one voice, playing and worshiping God.
Check out the video below from the meeting last night. If you are so inclined, then come join us next Saturday evening. Debbie Handy will be leading worship.
Have a great week...
God on you...
Many thanks to those of our core leadership who came out.
And to the worship band....Debbie Handy, Barry Hooks, and Wayne Wimpee. Faithful as always to become one voice, playing and worshiping God.
Check out the video below from the meeting last night. If you are so inclined, then come join us next Saturday evening. Debbie Handy will be leading worship.
Have a great week...
God on you...
Saturday, May 16, 2020
I Do Not Have To Respond To The Party Invitation
Face it....I can't help myself from writing on "Blogger". I've tried. I've done the Facebook thing (and will continue to do so). But my history is really tied to what Blogger offers. Out of date? probably. Behind the times? definitely. But I have to do what I feel God is leading me toward.
Not going to spend a lot of time pontificating and pondering all the craziness that is going on in our state, country and world. There are enough voices out there screaming different points of view, that I don't feel the need to muddy the already muddy waters.
I refuse to attend the crazy party, watch the crazy movie, or listen to the crazy soundtrack of opinions that have been piled to the sky. Everyone believing that theirs is more right than most others. So I refuse the invitation to participate.
Because of what God has said in His word....
Because of the truth (dare I say that word...truth?) He has spoken, I will turn my heart and mind to Him.
"Yeah, but the world is falling apart...our nation is should be concerned!"
Well, I am concerned.
But not to the point that I lose my perspective on God's Kingdom here...God's Kingdom not yet.
My belief in God is not predicated on my personal situations and /or circumstances. In fact my belief and trust in God is built upon the simple truth that He is God no matter what I face.
If I lose everything I own...He's still God.
If I die..........He is still God.
If Jesus should come back to take us unto Himself (I Thessalonians 4:16-18).
He is still God.
I guess, for me, that this all falls under the heading of "Trusting God" everything.
So no matter what today, tomorrow, next week, or next year may hold...
I want to keep moving forward with Him until my time is up here on this old world.
I want to keep moving forward with Him until my time is up here on this old world.
In most recovery meeting where sharing among the group is taking place, I will say, "Thanks for letting me share".
God on you...
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