Tuesday, June 8, 2021



Psalm 119:11 - "I have hidden Your word in my heart that I might not sin against You."

Breaking down this verse:

1.) "I" -  it is our individual responsibility to act on this verse. We all talk about a "personal" God....or a "personal" relationship with Christ. Well, He desires a personal effort on our part. There are behaviors and attitudes that we are to exhibit in our daily life that reflect Christ in me. That point to His call on my life and my willingness to truly follow Him in all my daily activity.

2.) "Have Hidden" - We have a tendency to protect those things that we deem as being valuable. To put them out of the sight of others. Watching over, and taking care that they are not stolen from us. So what could be so valuable that we have taken on the personal responsibility of protection?

3.) "Your Word" - God's word? Yes! As Peter once told Jesus...."You alone possess the words of life".  I hide these truths and keep them close because I know that there is an enemy who will seek to rob me of them (Matthew 13:19). The Word of God (Scripture) is His personal word to me on how to live on this side of heaven. 

4.) "In My Heart"- Notice it doesn't say that we are to hide the words of God in our brain....our intellect....our noggin. Hide them in my heart. Hide them at the very core of who I am...my will, my emotions, my spirit. It is hear that the truth of God takes root and brings real change to a person's life. The Word of God could be called a "Seed" given to us by God. Protecting this seed, and allowing His Spirit to work in our life, will produce a change that begins with the heart and flows outward to the change our view and approach to life.

4.) "That I Might Not Sin" - That I might not reject the presence and counsel of God to embrace my on way. Very subtle is the influence of our "sin-nature" that will rise up and convince us that we know what is best for ourselves. Hiding the Word of God in my heart produces a constant reminder that I am to "FOLLOW" Him. Not run ahead of Him. Not pick and choose when I will follow. But a turning over of my will to embrace His.

5.) "Against You" - All sin is committed against God. Against His authority, against His very nature and character. We declare that we are going to decide and then carry out what we think is best for us. In other words, we are committing an act of rebellion against the authority and person of God. Pretty serious stuff going on here. 

Now do you see why it is important that we hide God's truth....God's word in our heart? Think on these things.

God on you...


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