Saturday, June 5, 2021


Tonight's going's-on at ReCovery Church. 

We are going to be taking a look at an example of the Spiritual

warfare that takes place every day in our world.

The attitudes, the behaviors of those who have chosen to

live for the world and are prisoner's of the kingdom of darkness,

as well as those who have turned will and life over to the care

of God, and have chosen to follow His instruction and directions.

Scripture gives insight into the heart of humanity, as well as

the never-changing-always-loving God of the Universe.

This is not to say that God is not a just God, He is. And He cannot

nor will He ever look upon sin and excuse the heart that harbor's such.

He has provided a way to freedom to every dark chain we have allowed to

keep us in bondage, away from the life that Christ promised to those

who would receive.

Bottom line? Christ came on the scene to destroy the works of the devil.

What works? How about addiction for one.

If you are free tonight, come and join us!

Meeting starts at 7 p.m. and we are located downtown Gadsden on

Broad street, between 4th and 5th streets.

If you cannot make it out, then catch us on 

ReCovery Church On Broad Street Facebook page for the

live stream.

Find a meeting to go to today or tonight.

Stay plugged in and do more than take up a seat for the meeting.

Become a part of a group and give back so others can

find the path that has given you life.

And if you don't remember anything else today, remember this----

"God Loves You and So Do I!"

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