Monday, June 21, 2021


Sunday @ Catalyst ReCovery 

Click on link above and it will take you to last night's recovery meeting @ Catalyst church. 
It was good for me to return here and share with the group. Saw a lot of old familiar faces, and go a chance to catch up on the what's been happening with everyone. 
Some were doing well........Some were struggling........some asked for prayer......but the bottom line was THEY WERE AT A MEETING. At least they were putting themselves in a position to here some truth and sit under the influence of the Holy Spirit. Change was available to them if they were willing to open up their hearts and let God do His work.

The leadership of Catalyst Recovery is an incredible group of folks. This really is the heart of any recovery meeting that is successful. People who come week after week to give themselves to the vision of reaching out the those who are still struggling with addiction. I know this because at the ReCovery Church we have such a group also.

I cannot emphasize this enough:  If you aren't attending meetings, then get up and go. Go when you feel like it.........go when you don't feel like it. Go when it's convenient....go when it isn't. But go! I put such an urgency on this because ever since the pandemic hit attendance is down across the board at recovery meetings. I understand people wanting to protect themselves from getting sick, but at the same time, I receive story after story about those who have returned to old ways, old thoughts and old habits because of the isolation.

Look, I am all for "live-stream" of meetings, but this can never take the place of being with a group of folks. Connecting and sharing what you've been going through. Receiving encouragement from others to not give up, but keep on moving forward in your recovery. We need human contact with others who understand the struggle that comes with addiction.

I will be speaking this coming Wednesday night (June 23rd) at the Church @ Wills Creek. Consider coming out and joining us. Meal starts at 5:30.....large group at 6:30. Hope to see you there. And if you don't remember anything else, never forget this........"God loves you, and so do I!"

God on you...


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