We have also a more sure word of prophecy whereunto you do well
that you take heed, as unto alight that shines in a dark place,
until the day dawn and the day star arise in your hearts.
II Peter 1:19
Seems like when times get hard....
when the economy goes south...
when the country is in fear....
voices come out from every nook and cranny
proclaiming that they speak for God.
I am not here to say they do or they don't.
I merely ask, "How can they all be right?"
How can they all be right when the message
they give is in conflict with others who claim
their message was from God?
We tend to lean on the words of men
rather than the Word of God.
I want you to understand that I am not discounting prophetic words.
I believe in prophecy.
I believe that God speaks, not in new revelation
but in Biblical illumination.
There aren't any new revelations.
God only brings to light that which was written
by men of old as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
What I see today that passes for "prophecy"
is more to elevate the one giving the message
than the message itself.
In fact, I don't know if I can prove this or not
but I believe that God would speak through
broken vessels.
I believe that God would speak through the very people
that the world would look at an discount their words because
of their manner and brokenness.
I believe that God desires to speak and illuminate
through the lives of men and women who have been cast
aside on the garbage heap of humanity.
Why do I believe this?
Because when the truth of God comes
it will come in a way and a package that will offend
and force us to decide once and for all
"Is this God? It can't be. God wouldn't speak through such people as this!"
Why wouldn't he?
On the very night of Jesus' birth, God didn't send the angels to
announce the birth to the royalty.
He didn't appear to the religious folk's
He didn't show up at the Pharisee's meeting....
He went to a group of shepherds outside of Bethlehem who were
watching their flocks by night.
The message was delivered to a group that no one would have dared
Luke 2:17 reads:
And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which
was told them concerning this child.
They spread the news.
Why such an article as this?
Don't be caught up in prophecy because of the one who is
bringing the word.
Don't look to him or her as something other than
an empty conduit through which God may speak.
IF it is a Word from God, then search it out in the Scriptures.
We tend to forget...
We may love Jesus with all our hearts....
We may serve him faithfully....
We may surrender to Him daily....
But all prophecy is filtered through my humanity
and sometimes I'm not the best filter in the world.
I am grateful that God uses us.
That He allows us to play and work as His kingdom is being brought forth.
All prophecy is to be measured against the sure word of God.
Good stuff!