I will sing of my redeemer
and his wondrous love to me
On the cruel cross he suffered,
from the curse to set me free
Sing, oh sing of my redeemer
with his blood, he purchased me
on the cross, he sealed my pardon
paid the debt and made me free.
I cannot escape the cross of Christ, nor would I want to.
It serves and stands as an ever vigilant reminder of the price
that was paid on my behalf.
Even though the event of Jesus' death took place
Even though the event of Jesus' death took place
thousands of years ago,
the power and ramifications of what happened on that hill
outside of Jerusalem, exploded and rippled
through eternity.
Losing none of its power or purpose.
The blood that was spilt on Calvary
covers today....
cleanses today....
forgives today....
the same as the afternoon it was poured out
as an offering for the sins of the world.
He (Jesus) came unto his own and his own received him not.
He is rejected today as he was in the time of his physical appearance
here on earth.
Broad is the way that leads to destruction.
Broad and well lit.
Colored lights and enticing words to pull weary travelers
onto a wide and spacious path that seems to be easily traveled.
Who would build such a path except someone who had the
traveler's best interest at heart.
Here in lies the trap.
This super highway of death was constructed by the evil one.
The accuser of the saints of the most high God.
This broad, spacious path leads to one place and one place only.
Narrow is the way that leads to life.
Narrow feels constricting, limiting, constraining.
But narrow is the way that leads to life.
It feels constricting because our flesh wants to have its way.
It feels constricting because our flesh wants to have its way.
It feels limiting because our sin nature wants it all.
The narrow way feels constraining because our lust wants to be
But narrow is the way that leads to life
and few that find it.
That is the part that scares me.
Few that find it.
Could it be that many are under a delusion that they are on the narrow way?
Could it be that many are under a delusion that they are on the narrow way?
You don't know how many times I pray, "Lord, don't let me be deceived."
Search your hearts.
Ask God to search you and find if there be any wicked way in you.
Find the narrow path.
Find life.
God on you......
Thanks for the reminder. I can't get over the cross either, and I hope I never do. I like the new look of your blog....just don't ever change the name!
Oh you won't have to worry about that....Greene Street Letters it is until I can't write anymore.
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