The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge
But fools despise wisdom and instruction
Proverbs 1:7
If I have learned anything over these past 58 years
it has been the following:
1.) He is God and I'm not
2.) I live and work for Him
3.) He doesn't live to work for me
4.)blessings are based on my obedience to Him
5.) His will for me is simple: OBEY!
6.) His love is not based on whether my life is going well or if the
wheels have come off and I am floundering in the ditch.
7.) He deserves my worship no matter what
8.) The call to love is more important than my need to be right when
dealing with others.
9.) I am powerless!
10.) Don't confuse preference with "God said it should be this way!"
11.) He is the real God: He isn't the man upstairs....
My buddy.....
Dude in the sky...
He is Jehovah God.
11.) Take the Bible for truth...
12.) you don't get to decide what is truth and what isn't
13.) Relationship with Jesus is to be lived....not studied and dissected.
14.) The deeper things of God really aren't that deep. I hear people say that
they want to know the deeper things of God.
What I think they really are saying is that they want
What I think they really are saying is that they want
some hidden information that others may not know.
This is the very thing that got us in trouble in Genesis 3.
This is the very thing that got us in trouble in Genesis 3.
"Here eat this, your eyes will be opened and you will BE LIKE GOD!"
15.) Hell doesn't need my belief or unbelief to exist.
16.) Jesus is coming back
17.) There is a heaven
18.) Everyone will receive an reward for choices they made here on earth during
their lifetime.
19.) All rewards are not good.
20.) Each day is a present
Well, that isn't the complete list but it may get you thinking
about your own list.
Today is my birthday.
That is why I am pontificating on these things.
That is why I am pontificating on these things.
I am the richest man in Bedford Falls.
God on you........
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