Silent stone sentries guard a place that needs no guard.
Each sentry named and dated.
Each has a story to tell.
A mother gone away too quick.
A child that never grew.
A mother gone away too quick.
A child that never grew.
A father destroyed by alcohol.
Each story etched deep in stone.
Dates and times define the end
but only on this side of eternity.
There is a great crossing over for each of us
To cross over and receive the reward we have earned
on this side.
A reward of good.....
A reward of damnation......
We don't like to think of such things...
let alone talk about them.....
"Pastor...tell me something good!"
"Make me feel good about this life."
Yet the choices I make affect my eternity.
Jesus (whether I believe in Him or not)
Stands calling out to all
"Come to me you who are weary and weighed down."
"Come and I will give you rest."
I remember the day I heard that call.
Early in 1960.
I didn't truly understand everything about the call.
I just knew that even at the age of 9.....
I didn't truly understand everything about the call.
I just knew that even at the age of 9.....
I needed Jesus.
I just didn't realize how much I needed Him.
Over the years as I grew, the need for Jesus grew at
an even faster rate.
Time grew dark in my life and the light of Jesus burned brighter.
There were days I didn't want to acknowledge this light
or even my own need for the light.
The tug of darkness seemed greater than the light.
Notice I said "Seemed" greater.
Therein is the lie.
Therein is the lie.
The darkness cannot, will not, never will overpower the Light of God.
Today the call and the light of Jesus has become the sweetest
sound and dearest friend I have ever known.
It fuels me beyond what I am capable of
to places and people
where I can simply share a very simple story.
Once I was lost...
Now I am found....
Now I am found....
Thank you for the cross...
Thank you for the shed blood...
Thank you for the shed blood...
Thank you for giving your life a ransom for my own...
Thank you Jesus.....
and one last thing......
MARANATHA, Lord Jesus!
God on you all....
Dude! God has been on your recent post!
I mean more than normal....or maybe I need to hear these truths more at this present time!
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