"....and his eyes were as a flame of fire."
Rev. 1:14
When you read this verse, what mental picture do you see?
When you think of Jesus and that his eyes resembled
flames of fire...what comes to your mind?
Is he angry?
Is he mad?
Do you see judgment?
Do you picture the wrath of God being poured out on the world?
do you see love?
Do you you see love like a fire on a cold winters night?
a flame drawing you in to be warmed.
Fire like the flame of a candle that brings light
and pushes back the darkness.
It isn't much light but enough to
overpower the darkness.
Our perception of Jesus really does affect the way we interact with him'
This is why it is so important for believer's to know
their place and position in Christ.
We recite a declaration everyday here at Rapha at the end of every class.
This declaration speaks of our position in Christ if we are saved.
It reads like this:
Because of Christ's redemption
I am a new creation of infinite worth.
I am deeply loved
I am fully pleasing
I am completely forgiven
I am totally accepted
I am absolutely complete in Christ
When my performance reflects this new identity in Christ
That reflection is dynamically unique
There has never been another person like me in the history of mankind
Nor will there ever be
God has made me an original
One of a kind
Special person
And so are you
All of those attributes listed are not from anything that we have done
It is a by product of who we are in Christ.
That through my salvation
I have been justified
I have been reconciled
I have been sanctified
and I have been restored
To a right relationship with Jesus.
God on you today.....
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