Thursday, September 9, 2021



                      "Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace".

Continuing our look at the seven letters to the seven selected churches ( or groups of believers) in the book of Revelation, we come to the second church. Yesterday's post was on a group of people who'd forgotten how to be grateful and filled with love for the One who had freed them from their old life of sin. Jesus had called them to return to their first love, and to keep that love for Him first and foremost in their hearts as they journeyed daily.

Today we see a group of folks who are suffering hardship and persecution. Not exactly something we might volunteer for, but here it is none the less. Now the persecution Jesus is talking about is not the kind that people suffer during their addiction as most of that is self-inflicted. He is talking about the suffering and persecution that comes from turning will and life over to  His care. Suffering and persecution that comes from the world system, those around us, and even family at times.

In verse 9 Jesus makes an interesting statement. "I know your suffering and your poverty-----but you are rich!" There is a wealth and value that is not recognized by this world's system. Jesus sees value in things beyond what is material. He sees hearts that have turned to Him, have committed themselves to Him and His kingdom (Matthew 6:33-34) and refuse to give in or turn back to old ways, old thoughts and those old friends who entice to join them in the darkness of addiction.

The opening statement at the beginning of this post is taken from the Serenity Prayer...."Accepting hardships as a pathway to peace." We look to Christ in every area of our life. No matter what we may find or face this day, we cannot abandon or run away from this journey we are on. By accepting and facing the hardship, we are moving in and toward Peace. His peace....peace that the world cannot copy or duplicate. I know this is easy to say as I write this post, and may seem impossible to actually do, but trust me when I say that Christ stands ready to take our hand and walk with every day through all we face. Think on this today and ask God to show you if truly do accept hardship as a pathway to HIS peace.

God on you...

michael b.

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