Thursday, September 2, 2021



John 4:10 - Jesus replied, "If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water."

Jesus has made his way into the country of Samaria and has struck up a conversation with a woman who has come to draw water from the town well. There is this back and forth about His asking her for a drink. In that days, Jews and Samaritan's did not look at each other with favor. I guess racial problems even existed back in Jesus' day.  But none of this mattered to Jesus, He was (and is) all about His Father's business, no matter where it took Him.

Funny how Jesus did not go all religious on this woman. He engaged her in conversation that would lead her to see a greater truth. Pretty sure this woman did not get up that morning thinking to herself that she would run into the Son of God at some point during her day. Anyway.....I digress.

The woman, kind of leery that  Jew would be socializing with her, questions Jesus' motives. Here is where Verse 10 comes into play. Jesus kicks up the conversation to a  higher level and the truth about who she is talking to.

I've always loved the phrase "living water". He did not say "water that gives life". The water we drink only sustains the life we possess. You're cutting grass in the summer heat and you go inside because you are thirsty. Your body tells you that you need water to go on. But what Jesus offers is so much greater than H-2-0. The water He offers doesn't sustain gives life. In fact Jesus goes on to make some pretty incredible statements concerning this "living water."

# 1- Drink of His water and you'll never be thirsty again.

#2 - This "living water" becomes something even greater to the one who drinks it. According to the NLT translation, "It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within who ever drinks it.

#3 - This water at work in the life of the one who drinks it gives "Eternal life" to the person who has drank it.

Of course Jesus has referenced Himself to be that "living water". That when we surrender will and life over to Him, there is a change that takes place within us. A work that affects our hearts, our minds, and the way we see life and interact with it. 

So what are you drinking today? The water of addiction? The water of sin? Is your water one that gives life rather than simply sustaining what's already there? Food for thought.

God on you...

Michael b.

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