Tuesday, September 14, 2021


 I'm pretty sure that some of you have heard the phrase "Pushing the envelope". It may be used to define an area of life or culture that is being seen as a hindrance to or restrictive to human evolution (if you are into that kind of thing). 

Early on, during the 1960's) pushing the envelope was a way of defining what the space race was all about. Attacking all the science of that time with new and what seemed like better technology to put a man into space, and eventually on the moon. Going far beyond the boundaries of what man thought he could accomplish.

But I also hear this term used in the medial to justify standards of art, film, books and other such media as needing to be freed from the old standard or morals of society and culture. This isn't anything new (don't be surprised) as many over the years have proclaimed themselves to be the pioneers of new thought, new morals (maybe even that term "moral" is an envelope that needs to be pushed away, as some think it is) and that their work should be lauded as taking humanity to a new level of enlightenment where freedom is found in living as you want to without any constraints. Sounds really liberating doesn't it. Trouble is, when the envelope is pushed, we find that this allusive freedom that is being chased after is not all it's cracked up to be.

You see, I'm all about pushing the envelope also. I am all about shaking off the dry, dead constraints of man conceived religion,  and finding what it means to live in the freedom that Christ died for, so you and I could experience new life in Him.

Galatians 5:13- For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don't use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead use your freedom to serve one another in love.

Envelopes may in fact be boundaries that have been placed for our own safety. To keep us from destroying ourselves. You may ask, "But Michael, you just said that you wanted to push against the envelope of religion. What's the difference?" Well, the main difference is that one is an envelope created by man, the other is the freedom given by God to not be bound up by that which has come from the mind of man. 

Bottom line is that we are either being directed by our sin nature, which some refer to as the "old man" or "flesh"....or we are being drawn and lead by the Holy Spirit, who is the true guide which will teach us how to live free.

I guess you could say that we will all, at a certain time, find out the truth about the envelopes we have pushed against. We will find out the truth of who God claims to be, and what He has promised would happen to us based on our choices here on this side of heaven. I guess the question that we need to ask ourselves is, "Do I really want to wait till I stand before Him to find out the truth about the choices I've made?" Something to think about here on a Tuesday.

God on you...


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