Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Lot of anger out there this morning.....
Lot of voices crying out.....
The real hearts of men and women are being uncovered...
Frustration on so many levels you almost need a program to keep up with everything.
Cries for justice....
Some even cry for revenge....
Some are looking for answers....
Some don't want answers, they want retribution....
There are many reasons attached to all these cries...
Inequality suffered by a group of people that has been simmering for hundreds of years.
Now it has all boiled over and is flooding our country.
Amid all this activity there are a million questions that fill the air....
Not sure they want answers to what they are saying.
Maybe they do...
Maybe they don't.
The word "racism" is used a lot.
Now I'm not here to debate one way or the other..
wrong is wrong no matter what way you slice it.
One man should not have died in the manner he did. No one deserves that.
So how do we change all of this unrest.
I'm not sure that "WE" can.
Funny how I grew up hearing these words....."Red And Yellow, Black and White, They are precious in His sight.....Jesus loves the little children of the world."
Somewhere along the way, this seems to have been forgotten...
Relegated to a back space reserved for little kids and those with simple minds...
Lofty words....meant to only smooth over the truth.
Well, I can't believe that. Either the words of that children's song are true, or they aren't.
And if they aren't then I am free to hate....to rail against....to use myself as the one and only standard by which all other men and women are measured by.
Truth be known, I don't want to a standard for anything.
I'm reminded of a pastor who was approached by a friend who was checking on him to make sure that he was going to the "Take Our City For Jesus Rally". When asked, the pastor said, "No, I don't think I will attend." Surprised by his answer, the questioner asked, "Why not?" The pastor replied, "Because I'm still trying to take ME for Jesus!"
This whole issue of hatred between races...the entire scope of racism in our country has to be boiled down to the lowest common factor. You can't paint and sweep the question to find an answer for the whole of humanity. The answer we're looking for begins with the smallest of gestures. It begins with me.
We so desperately want a complete group of people to begin behaving in a certain way.
Unfortunately you cannot legislate a moral attitude. Such can only come from the a work in the heart of every human who is a follower of Jesus.
Matthew 7:12
In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets.
Some may view this as "pie in the sky" or "wishful thinking". To me, if it is in the Scripture, then God must have placed it there for a reason.
I can't change a nation...
But I can change my corner....
I can speak kind words...
I can give a helping hand...
I can be the arms, legs, and voice of Christ to those who are a different color than me.
I can serve them....
Imagine what would happen if this caught on...
You see, I am not going to raise my voice demanding that others change, if I am not willing to change myself.
Think on this today...
God on you...
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