I Corinthians 15:49- And as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly Man.
There is a line from a Pat Terry song that keeps running through my head this morning. Before I write the line I'm talking about, I need to clarify something.
I am not depressed.
I am not mired down in doom and gloom.
I feel as though life is simply happening around me, to me and to those I love.
So here is the line....
"Sometimes I grow weary at the process, of growing up and growing old."
Life happens whether I'm ready for it or not.
I try real hard to prepare myself each day to face whatever comes my way.
I try to hold tight to my faith in God and see above the chaos and darkness of this old world. But I am also a realist. Bad things happen to good people. Don't ask me to unravel that mystery. Folks a lot smarter than me have been wrangling with that one for some time.
I try to see God in every situation, and when I do, I don't see a vengeful, hateful God. I see a God of mercy who looks upon this whole sin-started mess we call life here on planet earth,and empowers His children to not be weighed down but to move forward. To carry out the Kingdom mandate of allowing God to bring down here to this world, that which is His will in heaven, knowing that we have been called to be the vessels and vehicles through which His will is carried out.
So bottom line....
People I love die....
People that I love sometimes go back into the darkness for whatever reason, and I pray that this time their journey won't be so long that they become numb to the pain.
Sometimes people who have given their all for the Kingdom also die.
Oh but what a joyous occasion it can be when the crossing over takes place.
Yes, there is great sadness, many tears, and an empty spot in our hearts, but for all the pain, there rises up a hope beyond hope that God is indeed who He claims to be, and will do what He has promised He would do.
Maybe that is why we can read Psalm 116:15 and believe that the death of a believer is precious in the eyes of the Lord. I cannot imagine facing eternity never having received Christ into my life and heart. That has to bring with it a fear that goes beyond any fear we know of. Maybe that is part of the reason I don't want to stop teaching, or writing, or sharing my story...to make sure that no one is without excuse when the die. That they cannot say, "well, I never heard about Your salvation."
Yes, I do grow weary of the process at times....and today is one of those days.
But I will pack up here shortly and make my way to teach His word again.
We will take THE message of hope and forgiveness and shine its light on our own hearts to see if there is anything in us that is displeasing to God. And if we find anything, I pray that we are humble enough to bow our knees and say, "Father forgive me."
We will take THE message of hope and forgiveness and shine its light on our own hearts to see if there is anything in us that is displeasing to God. And if we find anything, I pray that we are humble enough to bow our knees and say, "Father forgive me."
I think I have written enough for now.
Thank you for letting me share.
God on you...
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