Monday, August 10, 2020


 II Corinthians 4:16- Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day.

What a comforting thought.

That inward part of me- spirit, soul, body- is being renewed day by day. The shell of the outside is wasting away....feeling the effects of aging...getting weaker and slower...but the inward part is as relevant and vital now more than ever.

But I think maybe this "inward renewing" comes from being disciplined in our daily walk. Through study of the Word........prayer........sharing our of our tithes and offerings.......helping others. In other words, being about the kingdom business in our daily lives.

I don't believe the renewing just happens. If I have a garden and I don't tend to it, it will become overgrown and taken over by the weeds and undergrowth, choking out the very life of what was planted. Same in our relationship with Christ. Yes, Salvation is a free gift from God to all who believe. But this "gift" has to be tended. 

And this daily renewal is not found by being a "Lone Ranger". One who isolates themselves away from others. We were created for relationship. We thrive when we connect ourselves to a community of like minded people. The incredible part in all of this is that a bond is formed by the Holy Spirit unlike any other. I have often said that if the Holy Spirit had tied me to a church family, I probably would not hang out with others. Without the Holy Spirit, we had nothing in common.....our interests were completely different....our view of life was not on the same wave length. But because Salvation brought us to God, and the Holy Spirit brought us to each other, our own personal stuff has been laid aside for a greater good.

That, my friend, is how the Kingdom operates. Think on this today!

God on you.....


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