Friday, August 14, 2020



Looking forward to tomorrow night. Another opportunity to gather and just "BE" with God.
Sometimes, I think we have fallen prey to the idea that anytime we come together in a service or a meeting, we have to "DO" a list of things, or give the impression that busy-ness is a godly trait. I am in no way advocating that we just come and sit and stare at each I am saying that whatever we have planned should always be held loosely, giving the Holy Spirit room to move among us as He desires. God's plans are greater than mine, so I defer to Him.

The verse that has been on me all week is Revelation 12:11. When it comes to the topic of recovery and the Twelve Steps, we think we have an understanding of exactly what is happening to us as we move through them. But one of the things I have felt called to do is to look at the "POWER" and "PRESENCE" of Christ in this journey to sobriety.

Sometimes, early on, the battle is with substances: Alcohol, assorted drugs, and the lifestyle associated with using. So in our minds, we believe that if I simply clean up my act, get rid of old friends, change the places I use to hang out, and go to meetings, then everything will be peachy-keen. A friend of mine has a saying that I have never forgotten. "If you take a drunk horse thief and get him still have a horse thief."

We have addressed the what of the addiction. We've identified that there is a problem. But we have done nothing to address why? I've had some tell me, "I don't have a problem....I just like the way it makes me feel." I know they were truthful, but in their answer (which they cannot see) is their problem. Character defect! Which came first? The sinful heart and nature that gives credence to being selfish. "I like the way it makes me feel." I like it so much that I did not care who I hurt, or who I had to use to get what I wanted.

If you take a look at the passage from Revelation 12, it reads, "And they have defeated (Or overcome) him (the devil) by THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB, and by their TESTIMONY, and they did not love their lives so much that they were afraid to die."
Say what you will, but that verse contains a foundation for living. For meeting any and all situations that you may face. I know it reads all religious with phrases and words that seem to not make any sense. Blood of the Lamb? That would be the shed blood that Christ gave during his torture and time on the cross. What does that have to do with my addiction? Well, your actions stem from a heart that is in rebellion to God. Such is what "SELF" is all about. I don't need God....I don't want anything to do with God....I don't want to hear about God.

Living such a life puts you outside the will of God and his offer of life: Abundant life here and now, and eternal life once you die. In order to receive such a gift, a debt had to be paid in order for you to be offered such an incredible gift. Jesus took your place, my place, and the place of every human ever born on that cross and emptied himself as payment for our sins.
Hebrews 9:22- For without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness. Without Jesus' gift of taking our place, we would face a debt that we could not pay, and have relationship with God.

So tomorrow night we are going to take a look at the Revelation passage in the light of being free from addiction. Bottom line in all of this? We all are in need of recovery ever since the couple in Genesis disobeyed God and had some fruit to eat.  We are all in need of salvation.
See you tomorrow night!

God on you...

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