Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Our Church.

Philippians 2:1
Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy...
Fulfill my joy be being like minded having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.

Thinking this morning or how blessed I am.....
That I don't have to go at life alone....
And that our meeting on Saturday night is a group of people bound by the Holy Spirit of God. If you were to take the Holy Spirit out of us, we would not have anything in common. That being the case, we would definitely not hang out together. But isn't that the most amazing part of a relationship with Jesus? He puts this love in your heart that goes beyond self-interest. Goes beyond culture. The common bond among us is that we all have been ransomed from our sin debt by the blood of Jesus. We all have this shared experience of salvation.

Now even though we are bound by this salvation, God continues to grow us, stretch us, and lead us as individuals, and as a corporate group. We take on a common vision of what God wants of us, and we move forward to fulfill His Kingdom plans.

Saturday night would not be possible if not for the people God has brought together....
Anthony, Chris, Mark, Mike....faithful as all get out to be there every Saturday. Not just to be there, but to welcome first-timers. Your actions and love that is demonstrated to others puts people at ease. From that place, the word of God can find a place to grow in those who are with us for the first time. Your love and gratitude for what Jesus has done in your lives is very evident in your giving it away to those who come through out doors on Saturday night.

Jeremiah, Carrie and Neema Smith.....Your family brings joy and strength to us, as you worship, pray over the meetings. I know it has been hard for you to be away, but even in your absence, I feel your prayers over Saturday night.

Deb and Barry Hooks....Barry, being part of the worship team, adds such a layer to our music. Barry and I have been playing together for 14 years. His heart and love for God is without question. Deb....the ultimate host. Always moving around greeting and talking with people. Making sure that everyone has what they need.
These two, Barry and Deb, are also intercessors...taking prayers for others to God.

Lanny and Debbie Handy.....Lanny is the rock of Saturday night. If ever there was strength that fills a room just by their presence...it is Lanny Handy. He speaks the truth in love. A man of character and integrity. He has fought his battles over the years, and here he is...still standing...still chasing God. Debbie is our resident Worship Leader. She is the one who gave me a place, and guided me in learning how to lead. She has done this to countless others (including my son Chad). To me the thing that defines her as a worshiper, is that it doesn't matter the state of her heart or life, she is going to worship from the place she is currently in. Sometimes that is a joyful place....sometimes a hard place. But she goes before God, and takes us with her.

Wayne Wimpee....Wayne and I have known each other for (WAIT FOR IT)...52 years. We've made a lot of music..some good...some not so good. But like Debbie, he has a heart for worship. Wayne also has a prophetic gift to see and hear what is going on in our meetings. Wayne has a passion for all things Jesus. Not to just collect facts and information about Scripture, but to live it, to read it, to share it.

Todd, LeNola, Cole and Levi Bagley....passionate family who have found a place on Saturday nights. God has also led them to start a 4'o Clock Service on Sunday afternoons @ Gadsden Vineyard Church. Todd and LeNola are both passionate about the Word and Worship. Their sons are growing up under this influence, and you can see glimpses of what is going to be a part of their future lives as adults.

Vicki Bynum....my wife, my counselor, my better half. She is the truest worshiper I know. She will tell you that she doesn't have a very good voice, and I would disagree with that. When she moves to the back of the room to worship, she truly gets lost in Christ. In her words, "When the music starts, and the words start, everything and everyone in the room disappears......all that left is Jesus and me."
I love this woman.

Well there is the whole she-bang! 
The ReCovery Church on Broad Street.
Funny part is......
There is room for a more folks to come and grow with us...
We'd love to see you....
And by the way....all these people I have written about this morning....
They make me a better man...
The encourage me to not give up or quit...
I love you guys

God on you...

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