Monday, August 24, 2020



I Thessalonians 5:18/ In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Sitting here this morning looking at the verse....I understand the "give thanks" part. No problem there. It is the whole "do this because it is God's will" that I'm trying to wrap my head around. Top it all off with the thought that this is to be my attitude and behavior all the time. 

Funny how it doesn't even mention "feelings" or "emotions". Many are driven by such, and allow their choices to be colored by feelings and emotions. Maybe God is telling us to lift our vision and understanding up a bit. To take our eyes off whatever we may be faced with, and put them squarely on Him. That the will of God has a deeper purpose than what I think it does. It is so much more than me being obedient. it goes to the heart of denying self and embracing where God has me at this moment.

Every day is not going to be sunshine, puppy dogs, and ice creme parties. Some day's are going to be dark and overwhelming at times. When life seems to smother you and suck the very breath from your lungs. You may be thinking, "O.k....I've had a few of those, but what do I have to be thankful for in these kind of times?" 

How about the hope that every believer is called to. A hope that says no matter what, we have a place with God....a home, if you will. A home and place unlike anything you could find here in this old world. 

How about being thankful that you have the Holy Spirit living inside you.....not just any spirit, but God's very own Holy Spirit. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in every believer. As such, God has given us a helper that will (as the Scripture tells us) guide us into all truth.

How about being thankful for the family of believers that God has united you with. Those true friends who will pray for you and lift you up before God, knowing that you would do the same for them. 

I could go on and on with this "thank you" list. Just know that we serve a God who is greater than any situation or circumstance we face today. So.........give a big shout out to Him with a "THANK YOU LORD!!"

God on you....


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