Thursday, August 6, 2020


Galatians 1:3-5
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins to RESCUE us from the present EVIL AGE, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be glory for ever and ever Amen!

I guess you could say that to in our current time that our own nation is demonstrating more and more lawlessness. Truly evil is voiced as being good, and that which is holy and good is being called "intolerance".  It's like someone flipped the switch on humanity. Those who are not grounded in Christ seem to be driven by "self" which is under the influence and direction of Satan.

I guess I take great comfort in the words of the scripture above. That God has rescued us out of this "Present Evil Age". Of course some would say, "I don't feel rescued!" Bodily we are still here living among the madness, but the connection of God's Spirit to mine gives me hope, strength, grace, and love to not be driven by the madness we see.

Clarence Larkin, in his book Dispensational Truth says, "That this "AGE"  is evil is seen in the character of its civilization. After 2000 years of Gospel preaching the world seems to be in a worse state, in proportion to its light, and seems headed for some great crisis. The state of the world appears to becoming unmanageable and perverse, determined to break away from all authority and law."

Clarence Larkin wrote this back in 1915....
Now multiply the darkness year after year until you reach 2020.
Evil has come out of the closet and is raising the bar on what is accepted and deemed to "enlighten" our society.

So is God no where to be found?
Is He simply dishing out goodness and all those divine "treats" the church proclaims?
NO! Almighty God has not lost control...
He is not silent....
He has not turned His back or closed His ear to the prayers offered up in His name.

The cross of Christ has not lost any power to lift anyone out of this spiritual darkness that is prevalent today in our society.
When I was on staff at Rapha Treatment center, I use to tell those in my class, "Unless you truly come to grips with the simple fact that you have a problem you cannot solve in your own strength and power........then nothing I say will be of importance to you."

This is why the Gospel of Christ must be proclaimed to those who would hear.
To say without any hesitation that Salvation is the only means to be lifted out of sin...that Jesus can break any addiction, forgive any sin, restore any soul so far gone that hope is just a word to that person. 

That is why we do what we do.
This is why we meet on Saturday nights.....
I make no excuse for declaring that Jesus truly is the only way in this old world.
He is not one of many ways....
He is the only way.
I think I might ask you...if what I have written causes a little anger to rise up in you, why do you think that is?
Could it be you've been deceived and the truth of God pricks your heart?

Just know two things this day...
I love you....
And God loves you, and desires to have relationship with you.
As Larry Norman use to sing..."Why not check into Jesus, He's got the answers."

God on you...

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